
Headhunters TOP TIP

By Anika Wilson

Did you know that recruiters often receive anywhere from 9 to 999 CVs daily, depending on the scope of their job postings?
With such a high volume, it's possible for a CV to get overlooked.
Here's a valuable tip: to maximize the chances of your CV being noticed and read, always include your profession or the specific position you're applying for in the subject line of your email submission.

One common challenge recruiters face daily is sifting through hundreds of CVs with subject lines that are either blank or simply state "CV" or "Job Application." This typically occurs when candidates send their CVs to multiple recruiters in a single email, hoping to secure a placement.

Considering the time it takes to review each CV, the prospect of going through 600 of them daily becomes daunting.

You can greatly assist us in assisting you by ensuring that your email subject line clearly relates to the position you're applying for!

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