
What to have ready when job hunting

By HH Team

I know you aren’t always looking for a job, but the fact is the average person has 12 jobs! And this is during a span of 32 years, which means the number is probably higher for a person's entire lifetime. So, the chances are that sometime in the future you will need to go through the job-hunting process. But don't leave these things until you need to find a job.
Make sure they are always up to date. This way you will be able to send through your details quickly and efficiently. No stress!
So, what do you need to have ready? Let’s get started.

Who are you? 

Make sure you have a scanned version of your ID on your laptop to be able to send it out. If you still have an ID book and have not switched over to a smart card yet, remember to update if and when you switch to a smart card, so you don’t send an outdated version.

Prove it!

All your academic certificates and/or qualifications should be scanned in or you can ask the institution for an electronic version of your certificates or diplomas. This is very important to attach to your CV as proof.


Make sure you have a scanned version of your Driver's License on your laptop to be able to send it out if requested and relevant to your position. Update as you renew your license, so you don’t send an outdated version.


Be sure to have a professional Head and Shoulders photo of yourself. You can even use an ID photo. But please... no pouting or crazy faces. Your future employer might see this and it is always good to have a picture on your CV. People love to put a face to a name. But please, let’s make it a professional face.


Some recruitment agencies or companies might ask for a copy of your most recent payslip. Be sure to ask your current employer for them every month so you don't have to when you are only job hunting. Save them on your computer by date. Also, it is just a good thing to do in general and it indicates your leave days, so you can keep track of that as well if you wanted to.


Number 1 CV rule - KEEP IT UPDATED. Check your CV every few months to make sure it is up to date, so it is ready when you are applying for new opportunities. So, if you do an online course or attend a conference that is relevant and adds experience, or even gain a new skill- ADD IT TO YOUR CV RIGHT AWAY. I promise in a few years you might forget what you have done or learned that is new because 3 years down the line it might feel like you have always been good with Excel.

Are you all that?

Make sure you have 3 good references that you trust. Also, confirm with them that they know that they will be contacted in regards to a reference and that they will be willing to answer the necessary questions. And if you are wondering who to ask as a reference; you can head over to our blog “ Who to pick as a reference”.

We hope these few tips help you to stay updated and ease the job hunting process whenever you have to find a new job.
And Good luck!


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