
Who is Angelique Diedericks - The Role of a Psychometrist

By Headhunters

Currently a Consulting Psychologist at Keypoint Consulting, Angelique Diedericks, has an enormous amount of knowledge & experience in various types of well researched psychometric assessment tools used for recruitment and development purposes.



Was this your choice of career and if not, how did you get into it?  Not originally.  I wanted to become an Occupational Therapist and then through the University selection process ended in Psychology, but it was always the alternative choice.

Could you describe one of your typical workdays?  Hectic!  Emails, phone calls, quotations, arranging assessments, meeting clients, administering tests, writing reports, guiding the interns ... and then it starts all over again!

What parts of your job do you find most challenging?  Positive: Designing bespoke tools and solutions for clients.  Negative: Marketing and finding work.

What sorts of changes are occurring in your occupation / field?  Legislation with regards to test usage,

What is your advice to anyone wanting to change career paths – have you ever done this?  Yes, not dramatically but within the field of psychology.  It definitely takes longer to perform at your peak, but is very rewarding and stimulating in terms of learning and challenges

What is the best career advice anyone has given you?  Know your strengths and development areas and work with it

Which Actress/Actor would you choose to play you in a movie?  Jenifer Aniston

Who is your ’’business hero’’ a tell us why?  Maura Jarvis, as she is dynamic, determined, wise, fair, open minded, creative and much more!

For more information on Angelique and Keypoint Consulting, visit Keypoint Consulting 

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