
Who is Ryan Jacobs - The Role of an Engineering Manager

By Headhunters

Armed with a Mechanical Engineering Tertiary Qualification, a Government Certificate of Competency (GCC), and strong FMCG Manufacturing experience, at just 34 Ryan Jacobs is the Engineering Manager for Coca Cola Fortune.

He achieved his long term goal of becoming an Engineering Manager, and appointed the GMR.2 of a Factory, at the age of 30.

Ryan is proof that hard work, diligence and ambition are the right tools to use on your journey to success!

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Was this your choice of career?  Yes it was.

Could you describe one of your typical workdays?  Firstly, I attend the morning production meeting where all the issues of the previous day are discussed. From that I get a list of jobs to do short and long term.  I then meet with my team, and assign the work and get updates from outstanding work, which then get updated throughout the course of the day. I also manage the site projects so that soon after I can sit with the Projects Manager and get an update as well.  From there I will also list numerous tasks which I need to assist him with (short and long term). By 10am I have a list of duties for the day.  Mixed in with this is meetings: such as management, safety & projects.

What parts of your job do you find most challenging?  The people aspect.  

What sorts of changes are occurring in your occupation / field?  Market related salaries are increasing, and skilled labour is difficult to find.

What is your advice to anyone wanting to change career paths – have you ever done this?  Yes, if they want to go into engineering they must decide whether they want to go into management or consultancy.  My field is more Management, where it is very demanding and your success is always a team effort.  You have to be able to pull a team together and maintain it.  Consultancy is more pure engineering where you are actually using your University knowledge for design and projects.  A factory environment would not suit them.

What is the best career advice anyone has given you?  Manage the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.

Which Actress/Actor would you choose to play you in a movie? Brad Pitt in Se7en

Who is your ’’business hero’’ a tell us why?  The old site engineer at Cadbury, Dave Middleton.  He was a good manager and knew what he is talking about.  He could always give you a solution to a problem whether it technical or managerial.

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